Category: Natural Law

  • Nocturnal Emissions and The End of Sexual Faculties

    Nocturnal Emissions and The End of Sexual Faculties

    Gunther Laird in his book The Unnecessary Science: A Critique of Natural Law Theory has offered a number of criticisms of Edward Feser’s natural law theory. I have responded to some of his poorer arguments on abortion and same sex marriage. One of Laird’s better arguments is his argument that male nocturnal emissions refute the…

  • Natural Law Abortion? Another Response to Gunther Laird

    Natural Law Abortion? Another Response to Gunther Laird

    Gunther Laird in his book The Unnecessary Science: A Critique of Natural Law Theory offers a number of arguments against Edward Feser’s account of natural law. Laird claims that on a number of issues, including abortion, Feser’s natural law theory fails to actually support Feser’s own position on abortion and can in fact be used…

  • Aristotelian Gay Marriage? A Response to Gunther Laird

    Aristotelian Gay Marriage? A Response to Gunther Laird

    Gunther Laird recently authored the book The Unnecessary Science: A Critical Analysis of Natural Law Theory which is a critique of Edward Feser’s account of natural law. Throughout the book Laird attempts to show that even if one accepts Feser’s account of natural law, such an account is compatible with various positions which Feser himself…